Saturday, January 26, 2008


Well, I still live in the country, my husband in the city, and I have no internet at home. I sit here in the library after work on Saturday surfing with my laptop. Sigh, at our apartment I can hack into about 22 wifi networks. Um, yeah. Apparently they did NOT get the memo that you should be able to get wifi at local shops. Wait, WE DON'T HAVE ANY!! So, for the next few weeks I have been banished to the library...sniffle.

Monday, January 7, 2008

What I will miss...kind of

Once we move, I will miss the comfort of going down the street to the "K" Store in my comfy lamb chop slippers. No one thinks a thing about it. Maybe the fact that I feel I can do this and no one cares means that I have lived here a little too long.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Maybe just a few more!!

Again, another thing to look forward to. Not seeing dead deer in the back of pick up trucks all over town.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Moving on up!!

Well, we are busting out of the country and moving to Cincinnati! WHOO HOO!! My husband has taken a job there and I shall follow, with out a doubt!! We can actually buy beer with out having to make a 10 mile on way trip! We can go to sporting events that DO NOT include Ohio State and most people won't be as wacko about OSU down there either! Football, baseball...restaurants and shopping, oh my!! Did I say I was excited?